A-SPEC is a common specification for the supply of digital data relating to ‘As Constructed Information’ of infrastructure assets.
A-SPEC has been developed through a collaboration of local and state government agencies, utility organisations, software manufacturers and the consulting industry to ensure that the data captured is the relevant, accurate and complete.
A-SPEC is controlled by clear governance arrangements and change management protocols. This collective approach to the specifications ensures all community members’ interests are taken into account in the specification evolution process. Enhancements are driven by the user community – for the user community.
Version Control and Releases
The ‘A-SPEC DDS – Introduction and Overview’ document is the source of truth and is to be referred to at all times to ensure that all users of the specifications are clear about the current and previous versions available.
The version of the current release of the A-SPEC Specifications is known as Version 5 and contains the specifications listed in the column labelled Current valid from 4 September 2023.
It is important to note that no further development or maintenance is being undertaken on the previous versions.