
New versions of D-Spec and R-Spec published

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

GISSA published new versions of their 'as-constructed' data specifications for stormwater drainage (D-Spec v8.1.0) and road assets (R-Spec v2.6.0) on 1st February 2017.

The changes between these versions and the immediately previous versions do not impact on the nature of the data to be delivered. The changes relate to modifications of the document format, making it more useable and understandable.

It is proposed that all other specifications in the A-SPEC suite will be modified to this new document format by 1 April 2017.

Visit the A-SPEC website to access the new document versions. A-SPEC members can download the documents from the A-SPEC On-Line page, for anyone else, simply request access through our Contact Us form.



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